Program Information & Details

Do you have individuals in your jurisdiction who are deaf, hard of hearing or deaf/blind?  This may account for 25% of the residents you serve.  The unique emergency preparedness needs of these individuals must be taken into account, and FEMA is offering Priority or Additional Consideration in grant funding to those departments that provide for these underserved populations.

Our 3 hour workshop covers ...
  • Why conventional smoke detectors are useless to people who are deaf, hard of hearing or deaf/blind;
  • What kinds of emergency notification systems can be used by these populations;
  • What fire threats are specific to the deaf, hard of hearing or deaf/blind communities;
  • How fire departments can better prepare for interaction with people who are deaf, hard of hearing or deaf/blind;
  • How to make fire prevention and safety programs truly accessible to your community, so nobody is left out;

Don’t exclude a significant number of individuals that live in your jurisdiction.  If you’re interested in emergency preparedness for ALL residents in your community, we can …
  • Help you take advantage of FEMA’s Priority or Additional Consideration guidance;
  • Provide outreach services to your deaf, hard of hearing and deaf/blind communities;
  • Assist with fire safety and preparedness guidelines that are specific to the deaf, hard of hearing and deaf/blind communities in your jurisdiction.

Contact us at [email protected] and we can help you get ready for the 2011 grant season!
  • Don’t overlook a significant portion of the population you serve;
  • Don’t miss out on a grant opportunity;
  • Let a proven, experienced FEMA training partner assist you in helping the people you serve.

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